the joke, but no one found it funny. 11 Sam A translated B made C had D thought 12 I like superheroes now, A whereas B as a result C unlike D for example 13 The movie was filmed A on Bin C at D with 14 The A role B band C audition D producer spent millions on the film's special effects. B C plot D camera 15 The job of a(n). is to give tips to the actors on set. A director audience I used to hate them. location in Scotland, 16 The performance was and memorable. A miserable B boring C amusing D bored 18 The studio will A burst B release C catch D feature 17 If we want to shoot a film, we need a A camera B screen C actor D series 19 Theatre actors perform A on the big screen B a part C a speech D on stage 20 I like reading A chat shows B casts C plots D scripts a new James Bond film next year. to live audiences. even though I'm not an actor. ./20