1 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 He regrets not applying for the job. WISHES He the job. 2 She wants to pursue a singing career and no one can stop her. PURSUING No one a singing career 3 The moment she left, they started talking SOONER No they started talking. 4 If he hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have finished on time. HIS But we wouldn't have finished on time 5 This tea is so strong that I can't drink it ME This tea is drink. 6 They gave him a gold watch as a present. WAS He a gold watch as a present. 7 I think that this law should be abolished. DO I think they this law. 8 They bought very little furniture for their new flat. MUCH They for their new flat. 9 They are installing a new computer in our office today. HAVING We are in our office today 10 You can go to the party, but be home by midnight. LONG 50 by midnight, you can go to the party. 11 The mistake wasn't her fault