
3 1 Look again at your list of advantages and disadvantages from Exercise 1.2. After reading the texts, do you want to add any points? Have you changed your mind about any of them?
2 Find the words in column A in the texts. Match them to their meaning in the context of the article in B.
1) in-laws (text 1 line 3)
2 forsaking (text 1 line 23)
3 mores (text 1 line 26)
4 droves (text 1 line 42)
5 is set to (text 2 line 1)
6 booming (text 2 line 5)
7 bond (text 2 line 8)
8 heyday (text 2 line 17)
9 fragmented (text 3 line 4)
10 spouses (text 3 line 12)
11 wore off (text 3 line 21)
12 siblings (text 3 line 22)
a) customs
b) large numbers
c) get close to
d) best time
e) broken up
f) reduced
g) increasing
h) giving up
i) brothers and sisters
j) looks likely
k) husbands or wives
l) husband's or wife's family​